
who are we?

Empowerment Company for Personal and Administrative Training and Training Consultancy, is the Chairman of the Oxford Board of Language Learning, Training and Consulting, and the agent of the European Board for Training and Leadership Development

officially registered in the United Kingdom of Great Britain with the number / 12095943 / and its group of companies within the Federation of the Gulf Cooperation Council

First: The European Board for Training and Leadership Development, officially registered in the United Kingdom, under the number (12095943).

Second: The Oxford Board for Teaching Language Skills and Vocational Training, which is officially registered in the United Kingdom under the number 12823258.

Third: The British Beauty Board to teach non-surgical cosmetics, the art of shaving, etiquette and fashion, officially registered in the United Kingdom of Britain under the number (12851944).

Fourth: The London Academic Board of Journalism, Media and Media, which is officially registered in the United Kingdom of Great Britain under the number (12779999).

Fifth: The Black Oil Board for learning project management, engineering courses, smart systems and occupational safety training, officially registered in the UK under the number (12757840).

Sixth: The Arab International Federation for Sustainable Human Development, officially registered in the United Kingdom of Great Britain, under the number (12798446).

Seventh: Board of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, officially registered in the United Kingdom.

As we create and organize training courses, grant accredited academic certificates, provide you with more than 800 professional and administrative specializations, we provide trainees with the necessary skills to develop competencies and capabilities and improve performance in order to reach the highest levels of quality within various fields of work.

Our mission and vision:

We seek to bridge the gap between academic education and the labor market, through effective and professional training in various fields until reaching a professional and expert trainee, according to high quality standards and in a dynamic and flexible manner according to the changes taking place and various concepts to reach the highest possible level.

We look forward to building a relationship of trust with our company’s trainees and our clients, by designing and providing the finest and best training materials, constantly following up on trainees’ needs and questions, and spreading the culture of actual and realistic training to advance the training level to achieve the requirements and desires of trainees and institutions.

Our goals:

Work to achieve the trainees' desires and needs, each according to his specialization.

Continuous improvement of training processes at various levels, training method and content, and tools and means used.

Ensuring the individual's place as an effective person in his field, and thus empowering him in a way that distinguishes him, in order to benefit himself in the first place, and to others.

Attracting highly qualified individuals, those who are able to work professionally with loyalty to this business.

Finding channels of communication with the trainees to keep them informed of the latest services and training developments.

Focus on work ethics.

Working on developing the individual, developing his skills and refining his abilities, by providing consultations and training and developing the best services and means that would raise his intellectual and practical level.